Dehumidifier Blowing Hot Air? Here’s What to Do

Dehumidifier Blowing Hot Air? Here’s What to Do

Is your dehumidifier blowing hot air? That isn’t always a bad thing. A dehumidifier that blows hot air is perfectly normal because it reheats the air after it has been dehumidified. If, on the other hand, your dehumidifier is blowing hot air, you may have a problem.

This article will explain what to do if your dehumidifier is blowing hot air. It also illustrates why the dehumidifier blows hot air and the temperature of the air coming out of it.

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How to Turn Off Your Dehumidifier’s Hot Air Blower:

Here are a few suggestions to help your dehumidifier stop blowing hot air:

  • Clean the air filter on your dehumidifier.
  • Hot air will be emitted if the dehumidifier’s air filter is clogged.

What Caused This To Happen?

This is because the dehumidifier’s air volume has decreased. If the air filter is clogged, it will be difficult for the dehumidifier’s air to pass through. The dehumidifier will not function properly if the airflow is reduced. The dehumidifier blows hot air as a result of the reduced airflow. The air filter should be cleaned to prevent hot air from blowing out of the dehumidifier.

Clean The Evaporator Coil On Your Dehumidifier.

Cleaning the evaporator coil on your dehumidifier will help it run more efficiently. A clean evaporator coil is also beneficial when the dehumidifier blows hot air. Cleaning The Dehumidifier evaporator coil necessitates disassembling the unit to gain access to the circuitry. After accessing the spool, remove any excess dust from the spool. Using a coil cleaning spray removes dirt and grime from the dehumidifier evaporator coil.

Defrost Your Dehumidifier.

Hot air may be emitted if the dehumidifier freezes. The dehumidifier must be thawed before it can function properly. Ice formation on the dehumidifier coil is always a possibility. Particularly if the room is cold or the filter is clogged. If the dehumidifier is frozen, it must be defrosted. Set the dehumidifier to fan-only mode to defrost it.

The compressor of the dehumidifier is turned off in fan-only mode. The dehumidifier will not cool if the compressor fails to function. The evaporator coil will be defrosted as a result of this. It should be noted that defrosting the dehumidifier can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. It is determined by the amount of ice in the spool.

Why Is My Dehumidifier Blowing Out Hot Air?

Even when operating properly, compressor dehumidifiers produce hot air. This is because compressor dehumidifiers emit a small amount of heat as a byproduct of the dehumidification process. As a result, compressor dehumidifiers always blow hotter air than the surrounding air.

What Is The Best Way To Tell If You Have a Compressor Dehumidifier?

A compressor dehumidifier is most likely if you have a portable dehumidifier. In the United States, compressor dehumidifiers are the most used dehumidifiers. Mechanical (compressor) dehumidifiers account for approximately 84.5% of portable dehumidifiers used in US homes.

A portable compressor dehumidifier normally blows air 3-5 degrees warmer than room air. The only thing to watch is if your dehumidifier is blowing out excessively hot air.

The following are the reasons why a dehumidifier blows warm air:

  • The evaporator coil on the dehumidifier is filthy.
  • If your dehumidifier’s evaporator coil is dirty, it may be blowing hotter air than usual.

What Caused This To Happen?

To begin, it is critical to understand how a dehumidifier removes moisture from the air. Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. A dehumidifier removes moisture from the air by subcooling it below the dew point temperature. A dehumidifier reduces the temperature of the air to around 50°F. Because cold air cannot absorb all of the moisture in the air, the moisture condenses. Moisture will drip into a container for collection.

The air is cooled and dehumidified before passing through a hot condenser coil. The air is reheated to slightly above room temperature as it passes through the condenser coil. If the dehumidifier’s evaporator coil is dirty, it will be unable to cool the air adequately. Air is reheated to a much higher temperature as it passes through the condenser coil.

It is recommended to clean the evaporator coil if the dehumidifier is blowing hot air because the evaporator coil is dirty.

The Temperature In Your Room Is Far Too High:

The dehumidifier will blow hot air if the air in the room is too warm. Compressor dehumidifiers always blow air a few degrees warmer than the surrounding air. A dehumidifier always slightly warms the room. In the dead of winter, this is the desired effect.

However, during the hot summer months, you may not want to heat the air in your home. If you need to dehumidify your home in the summer, consider using an air conditioner instead.

Why does the dehumidifier always heat the room’s air? The refrigeration cycle is to blame for this. Compressor dehumidifiers function similarly to mobile air conditioners. On the other hand, portable air conditioners dissipate heat from a condenser by blowing room air out a window. A dehumidifier removes heat from the condenser by blowing cool air directly into it from the evaporator. As a result, the air from your dehumidifier is slightly hotter than the air you breathe.

The Compressor Of The Dehumidifier Is Malfunctioning:

A dehumidifier can emit hot air if the compressor fails. The compressor is the component of the dehumidifier that drives the heat exchange circuit. When the compressor is turned on, the refrigerant flows through the evaporator and condenser to aid heat transfer.

If the compressor fails or the refrigerant is out of balance, the dehumidifier will not function properly. As a result, the dehumidifier may expel hot air. What factors contribute to compressor failure? It has many potentials. A leak somewhere in the refrigerant line is one of the most common. Refrigerant leakage from the dehumidifier causes an imbalance in the dehumidifier’s operating temperature and pressure.

How do I Repair a Dehumidifier That Has a Compressor or Refrigerant Problem?

Unfortunately, no first aid is available for compressor damage or refrigerant leaks. Your best bet is to contact an HVAC professional and have them inspect the system. If your dehumidifier is small, you might be better off replacing it.

The Desiccant Dehumidifier Emits Hot Air:

It’s critical to remember that only compressor dehumidifiers produce hot air. The internal motors of desiccant dehumidifiers have very little heat. The amount of heat produced by a desiccant dehumidifier is insignificant and cannot be felt. The adsorption dehumidifier should never emit hot air. Your desiccant dehumidifier is broken if it blows hot air.

What Temperature Should The Air in Your Dehumidifier Be?

The temperature of the air leaving the compressor dehumidifier should be slightly higher than the temperature of the air in the room. The model and the room temperature determine the air temperature produced by a dehumidifier. The average temperature of the air exiting a compressor dehumidifier is 3-5°F higher than the indoor air temperature.

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Now you know all the reasons why your dehumidifier blows hot air and how to solve this problem. We hope this information helped you solve your dehumidifier problem. If you still face issues, contact a nearby HVAC specialist for assistance.


Should humidifier blow hot air?

Warm or hot air from beneath or behind the dehumidifier is normal and a necessary part of the dehumidification process as long as the unit is sucking moisture from the air. When the unit is dehumidifying, the compressor produces heat as it works.

Should the air from a dehumidifier be hot or cold?

The temperature of the air may change as the humidity is reduced by passing it through a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers typically blow out mildly warm to warm air during normal operation.

How can I tell if my dehumidifier is functioning properly?

If you’re unsure whether your dehumidifier is working, approach it and place your hand above it to feel for airflow. Some models have different settings, so there’s a chance you’ve set yours to low operating speeds, making it difficult to tell if it’s working.

Why is my dehumidifier producing heat?

It is natural for the unit to generate heat. A dehumidifier is designed to remove moisture from the air as humidity passes through it. When this process is finished, the moisture-free air is reheated and released as dry air. The compressor is also causing the temperature to rise.

How do I stop my dehumidifier from blowing hot air?

Cleaning the evaporator coil of your dehumidifier will improve its effectiveness. If your dehumidifier is emitting hot air, a clean evaporator coil can be of assistance.


About Author

Mobeen Shahid

Mobeen Shahid

Mobeen Shahid is a Mechanical Engineer with two years of experience in the HVAC industry. His passion is analyzing HVAC issues, and he works relentlessly to devise customized solutions. He has been in the industry long enough to know the ins and outs and ensures that areas are optimally heated, cooled, and ventilated.

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