Rinnai Error Code 12: Troubleshooting the Water Heater

Rinnai Error Code 12: Troubleshooting the Water Heater

On a Rinnai Tankless Water Heater, code 12 indicates that there is no flame or that the flame sensor fails to detect any flame in the burner box. It occurs when the gas is shut off at the water heater, the gas meter, or the gas tank. Other causes of error code 12 include inappropriate gas type and gas supply pressure, a dirty burner, and a loose or damaged flame rod wire.

Yes, resolving this issue on your own could be difficult, as more than one suspect caused your water heater to display the error code 12. You must inspect several water heater components to determine the root cause.

However, having a broken unit that provides no hot water on a cold winter day is still preferable. Fortunately, the troubleshooting approach outlined below will ease troubleshooting and clear the fault code. Continue reading.

Also, Read: Troubleshooting Rinnai Error Code 11 In Taknless Water Heater.

How to Troubleshoot a Rinnai Tankless Water Heater Code 12?

Let’s look at the possible causes of your tankless water heater throwing the error code 12.

The Gas Is Turned Off.

The pilot light of the Rinnai Tankless Water Heater is powered by gas. If the manual gas control valve at the gas line is turned off, the unit will not receive gas for combustion. And expecting the unit to ignite the pilot when there is no gasoline is like trying to start a car without gas. In a nutshell, no gas means no flame.

Check the manual gas control valve to confirm it is turned on. If not, turn the valve counterclockwise to allow gas to flow to the unit, gas meter, and cylinders.

Incorrect Gas Type and Pressure Supply.

Rinnai provides tankless water heaters that may run on either gas or propane. If you have a propane unit, you must install the propane tank. Otherwise, you won’t be able to start the water heater.

Similarly, proper gas supply pressure to the unit is required for the water heater to perform efficiently.

Make sure you’re using the proper fuel for your water heater. If it requires gas, use gas to power it. Otherwise, it should be fed with propane.

Next, confirm that the inlet gas supply pressure is within acceptable limits. You should have a manometer to measure the pressure of the gas supply. If you are unsure how to change the gas supply pressure, contact an experienced plumber.

Also, Read: How To Troubleshoot Rinnai Error Code 17.

Flame Rod Broken or Disconnected.

Check to determine whether the Flame Rod has become disconnected. If there is a crack or damage, it must come into touch with the flame and be attached to the mounting bracket to ignite. They must not be misplaced or become loose. Some Rinnai systems have two flame rods, whereas others only have one.

Damaged or broken wires should be avoided. They should be connected to the electronic board and the flame rod. The rod must come into contact with the flame to ignite and heat the water. The flame should be brilliant and blue, with a regular pattern. If carbon buildup is on the igniter or rod, clean it with fine sandpaper and a cloth.

Recirculation Of The Exhaust Gasses.

A specialist should perform fixation and ventilation. All standards, rules, and guidelines must be followed for proper installation. If the vent has unauthorized components, loose connections, the correct vent size, the required ventilation area, or abnormal components, error code 12 is a possible grade.

Accurate combustion gases can be detected when red-yellow flames with unstable shapes emanate from the system’s surface rather than from the outside.

The Blocked Burner.

A clogged gas burner is another factor that can prevent the machine from igniting the pilot. Dirt, debris, and residual gases can all clog air combustion. In this case, the heater must be cleaned to ensure proper combustion.

Decontamination of gas burners is easy. Follow the steps below to fix the heater:

  • Unplug the gadget from the power source and turn it off by pushing the on/off button.
  • Allow your water heater to cool for a few minutes.
  • Remove the front panel by unscrewing the four screws.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and debris from the main burner feather blades. Avoid using a damp cloth or scrub to clean the burn.
  • Wipe down the cabinet with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Clean the burner and turn the unit on.

Other monitoring equipment includes flare rod wires, fan blasters, and gas lines. Make sure the flare rod wire is connected. Then, inspect the fan blower and remove clogged debris if necessary. Also, remember to drain all gas from the gas line.

How Do You Reset A Rinnai Tankless Water Heater?

Once you’ve completed the troubleshooting steps and identified the causes, reset the unit to clear the problem code. Follow the instructions below to reset the Rinnai Tankless Water Heater:

  • Five times, press the on/off button
  • Remove the front panel and look on the PC board for the up and down buttons.
  • Press and hold both buttons for five to eight seconds to reset the machine and clear the error code.
  • Replace the front panel and power on the unit.


Error code 12 may exist and is unrelated to flame rod issues. Various components of a Rinnai heater can cause this error code. These troubleshooting suggestions should assist you in resolving the case if this notice reappears. Some tasks, however, will necessitate the assistance of a competent specialist.


What is heater error code 12?

A flame loss is indicated by error code 12. This signifies that the unit detects a flame but extinguishes it during operation.

How should a Rinnai igniter be cleaned?

Remove the four screws holding the igniter and two flame rods. To eliminate corrosion and debris from metal surfaces, clean/sand them. Reinstall the reverse order, reconnect the power and test. With a Phillips screwdriver and some sandpaper, it’s a 10-minute fix.


About Author

Mobeen Shahid

Mobeen Shahid

Mobeen Shahid is a Mechanical Engineer with two years of experience in the HVAC industry. His passion is analyzing HVAC issues, and he works relentlessly to devise customized solutions. He has been in the industry long enough to know the ins and outs and ensures that areas are optimally heated, cooled, and ventilated.

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